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Apprenticeship Programs




Dawn Manetta
Apprenticeship Coordinator

About Us

Sylvana Coccimiglio, Keystone学院奥本海姆家庭儿童中心主任

楔石学院的奥本海姆家庭儿童中心参加了学徒前计划. We work with students from different school districts, 他们与一名工作人员配对,以指导他们获得在职能力. During their time at the Center, 他们将在早期儿童项目中获得有助于他们就业的技能. We enjoy seeing students gain confidence in working with preschoolers. Pre-apprentices are very helpful in the classroom, and the children love working with individuals who assisted their teacher. Pre-apprentices are able to build relationships with the younger children. 学徒前获得的经验和技能是继续攻读幼儿教育学位的动力.”

Amie Talarico
Director of Special Education at Lackawanna Trail School District

My name is Amie Talerico. I’m a school administrator at the Lackawanna Trail School District; I’m the Director of Special Education. 我一直在寻找学生到基斯顿学院的奥本海姆家庭儿童中心参加工作实习和其他培训. We ended up switching gears and applying for the pre-apprenticeship grant.

We were really excited to have our first cohort. Students had interest in working with children, 他们中的一些人认为他们毕业后会直接进入劳动力市场,而另一些人则打算参加教师教育项目. 对他们来说,好处是他们确实得到了实践学习,同时也获得了双入学学分和认证. 我认为学徒前项目的美妙之处在于,学生们最终得到的东西是可以堆叠的. A student could leave that program and enter the workforce in early childhood, 或者学生可以继续学习,用获得的学分获得副学士学位或学士学位. The students expressed that they loved the classroom experiences. 我认为任何时候你都可以为他们提供一些非常灵活的东西,他们可以直接进入劳动力市场,也可以接受更多的教育, I think that’s what students today really want.

Our school is very small. We have less than a thousand students total. So we’re always looking for ways to bring programming to our students, and a lot of times, 这与社区资源有关,因为我们不一定有足够的学生来聘请幼儿部的老师. For high school juniors and seniors, 我们正在寻找非常好的工作体验,以及我们无法在现场提供的课程. 我认为CDA为我们的学生提供了这两方面,我认为任何学校都可以从中受益.

Specifically in our district, the CTC that we primarily work with didn’t have an early childhood program, so that wasn’t an option. We are a two-county school, so we can use the Lackawanna County CTC as well. But seats in that program, because our primary programming is at Susquehanna County CTC, are not always available. CTC usually fills, and our students aren’t able to use the program. It was great to have something similar in the field that is available.

我能够陪同学生们第一次参观奥本海姆家庭儿童中心, and the students from our high school were so excited. One of our guidance counselors also joined me on the visit, and since that time, he’s been really helpful in this process. His children had attended the Children’s Center, so he enjoyed the return visit. Interestingly, one of the high school students had also attended the Children’s Center, and loved the opportunity to return. 学生和孩子们都很高兴,这种热情是有感染力的.”


队列参与者报告说,他们致力于成功完成课程,并重视在实验学校获得的体验式学习. 为学生提供的支持系统被视为成功的关键因素. 与会者获得了关于欧洲经委会领域以及有关职业的知识.

Karla Carlucci, Ed.D.
Principal, Career Technology Center of Lackawanna County (CTCLC)

“CTCLC has an Early Childhood Development program for high school students, grades 10 through 12, who are interested in pursuing a career in early childhood education. During the 19-20 school year, 立博客户端app下载邀请我们的三年级学生参加预学徒计划. We had 2 students who committed to the program and successfully finished, all while the pandemic was happening! 我很高兴地强调,两位学生在高中入学时都获得了大学学分和儿童发展助理证书(CDA)的学习时间. One student currently has 12 credits and the other has 18. 两人目前都在本学期上课,高中最后一年将分别获得18个和21个大学学分. In addition, CTCLC现在有4名新大三学生加入了学徒前计划,他们刚刚开始在Keystone学院的第一学期课程.

除了一些明显的好处,比如学生可以获得大学学分,而不必支付任何自付费用, 想到的第一个好处是我们的两位学长反复告诉其他学生这个项目, 那就是基斯顿学院提供了所有必要的支持来确保学生的成功. 这包括广泛的支持,从教师和行政部门对学生的支持到一些简单的支持,如在第一天上课时给学生提供活页夹和书写工具.

对我们和参加CTCLC早期儿童发展项目的学生来说,另一个好处是,Keystone大学早期儿童学徒项目让我们的学生看到他们在高中学到的东西与大学水平课程之间的直接联系. 我们的学生多次评论说,他们在CTCLC的课程为他们的大学道路奠定了基础. 我认为这一点很重要,因为我们的许多学生都是家里的第一代大学生,所以有机会参加大学水平的课程可以让学生亲眼看到他们在大学课程中有多成功. 两位学生都反复表示,只要你参与并去上课,你就不会不成功,因为Keystone学院提供了所有必要的支持,以确保学生成功.”